

先说个小故事,在1970年的美国奥运会期间,《纽约时报》记者去采访了一位中国烤鸭大师——北京烤鸭的发明者,全聚德的第二代传人,人称“鸭子王”的谢明才。 然后这位记者写了篇报道,题目叫做The Making of a Beijing Duck(制作一只北京的鸭子)。。。 当然,这只是一个标题,他真正的文章是这样的: - A whole duck is plucked and cleaned in about an hour, then hung up by its feet to dry. - It takes another three hours for the bird's body to shrink slightly as it dries out. During this time, cooks prepare thousands of little pieces of meat called "bonesetting",which will be added to the duck soup later on after the bird has been cooked. They also chop leeks into thin strips that will become part of the filling for the duck itself. All these processes take place inside what looks like an ordinary kitchen, which makes it seem much less impressive than it should be, although there are no flies buzzing around或other signs of filthiness or decay anywhere.

- The duck is next steamed over a pot of boiling water with ginger root、lemon peel and star anise pod until its skin can easily be removed。When the duck is cool enough to handle, the skin is removed and placed on a rack to air-dry overnight. About four hours before dinner,the chicken is taken out of its brine and hung from a hook near the roof to allow any excess moisture to evaporate.

- At six o clock sharp,a fire is built under a huge cauldron that holds five hundred pounds of hot oil. As soon as it begins to bubble gently,two workers grab the duck by legs and wings respectively,put their heads into a hole cut below the neck, hold onto the duck with both hands,and lower it directly into the middle of the cauldron where they begin beating it vigorously with wooden paddles until all the feathers have been removed(it usually helps if one man wears plastic gloves). This procedure is carried out very quickly because the oil heats so rapidly;hence the chefs at Peking Hotel,where I ate my duck,said that their average time was thirty seconds per duck! Meanwhile,another worker is heating two large sheets of white aluminum foil on the top of the stove and covering each sheet with a layer of salt. When he removes


鸭脖子,辣椒,蒜头(要剁碎)一起炒着吃! 酱烧翅中、鸡腿也很好吃啊~

卤猪蹄儿、猪蹄筋也不错呢 我觉得鸭肉很肥腻的,所以每次做都放很多辣椒和香料进去压制味道。。。但是做出来的口味是咸香的,也不怎么油,很不错滴说~~不过个人更喜欢辣辣的。。。嘻嘻嘻~ 所以我推荐你这样做,用高压锅压了以后放点小米椒圈,再整上点花生芝麻盐啥的拌一拌就可以吃了………

